
RESONANCE | New vocals for AC package – France

New vocals and new rock jingles for AC package:

Reinvent the Brand by introducing new vocals and new music composition: Resonance now rings with a brand new sound. This is an AC package with a new contemporary sound created by Reezom. The package comes complete with a top of the hour, numerous full cuts and adaptations.

The brand is strengthened and this package aurally “rings” the station name and sonic ID between great hits and classic gold. It can be heard ringing everywhere on Brittany’s beaches from Deauville to Dieppe.

Shoot us an email if you need a ‘memorable’ radio Imaging, corporate song or TV jingle or video promo. Happy to help! Branding elements create high recall for programs and stations. Even more, because they are extensively used throughout the day. It helps memorization of the station’s name. And that is what you want the most.

Whether it is a re-sung or custom production, we always deliver what you need and make your station sounds unique. Shoot us a message!

Always focused on evolving the sound of jingles, idents, and imaging. It led us to create audio branding and promo videos and teaser with effective and High impact short-form IDs that harness the proven recall of a sung melody without sounding like a traditional jingle. We supply all audio and video assets needed to build the strongest audio and video brands possible creating catchy earworms and jingles.  And We create audio logos that are immediately recognizable.  As we are a full-service audio/visual creative agency.  Please give a watch on our youtube channel. 



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