jingles-rechantes-sung-ids-quebec-chga by reezom

CHGA fm | Producing trendy Sung Ids – Canada

Here are the new jingles for CHGA Québec – Canada

Always ready to produce the most vibrant radio branding and sung IDs for CHGA in Quebec, our re-sung jingles are now all on air. To fully enjoy them, just tune in to the radio! Did you know we also produce motion design videos to enhance your digital communications?

Imaging for the station air-shows

we produced the whole image of all the station shows this summer. It is already on air with nephews and cousins from the past years. Take a listen to that splendid production.

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CHGA Québec new station imaging

6 packs of sung Ids resing and creative to enjoy the summer. It will be soon on air with nephews and cousins from the past years. Take a listen on that splendid production.

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2016 – Sung Ids for CHGA Quebec

Reezom has taken charge of producing sung IDs for CHGA Radio in the Gatineau Valley, Canada. The imaging was created using a re-sing technique, which involves reusing music bases composed by our studio. This method allows programmers to easily select musical melodies for the jingles. Unlike other studios, we recreate and re-sing all vocal lines, ensuring the station IDs are as personalized as possible. The result? The radio station receives unique and creative jingles that sound custom-made at the cost of a re-sing. This approach helps a station position itself in the market more effectively than using a simple copy of an existing package. “Each station has its own challenges and its own music and branding solution.”

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2014 – CHGA Gatineau – QC

Introducing a fresh new imaging and brand new sung IDs that will resonate across the Gatineau Valley in Quebec, Canada. This production includes 40 jingles and a top-of-the-hour segment. CHGA, a Quebec-based radio station, informs and entertains over 30,000 people each week.

CHGA’s listeners are primarily located in the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, covering much of the rural Outaouais region, from La Pêche to the La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve. A significant number of listeners are also found in the Vallée-de-la-Lièvre, including Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain and Notre-Dame-du-Laus, as well as in the Upper Laurentians around Mont-Laurier.

If you visit this part of Quebec, don’t forget to tune in to 97.3 FM!


2012 – 2 voices 40 jingles

Introducing CHGA! Our brand-new station imaging features two dynamic voices and approximately 40 jingle cuts, just in time for summer. These sung IDs and jingles are ready to air throughout the Gatineau Valley in Canada. This production includes 40 jingles and a top-of-the-hour segment for this Quebec radio station. CHGA radio informs and entertains over 30,000 people every week, with a sung branding and signature that highlights both the region and the station’s name. Tune in and listen! If you think your station needs a distinctive sung branding to make your name and market stand out, we can help. Here is a good example, and do not hesitate to contact us! As we are a full-service audio/visual creative agency.  Please give a watch on our YouTube channel.

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