
ROUGE SA | TV commercials & video promos – Switzerland

Rouge FM TV commercials and video promos

The global TV video promos for Rougefm – Switzerland! Following an ad for Cannes and TV, the client approached us, impressed: “The last commercial was terrific. Can you create a global one for us?”

Our team is dedicated to crafting effective advertising solutions. We aim to understand your exact needs and preferences, using our creative expertise to produce a TV commercial that meets your specifications.

Contemporary commercial video production offers a dynamic way to enhance your brand’s image. Whether you’re targeting digital or television audiences, we’re the right choice to convey your message effectively. We pride ourselves on delivering fast and efficient results. Get in touch with us today!

We’re constantly innovating in the realm of jingles, idents, and imaging. This has led us to develop audio branding, promo videos, and teasers with impactful short-form IDs. These leverage the power of a sung melody for memorable recall without sounding conventional. We provide all necessary audio and video assets to create compelling brands, crafting catchy earworms and jingles.

As a comprehensive audio/visual creative agency, we’re committed to delivering top-notch results across the board. Get in touch with us today to see how we can elevate your brand’s audio and visual presence.

Please give a watch on our youtube channel. 

Cannes Festival

What colour is your station?
Every year Rouge FM – Switzerland brings you to live coverage from the heart of festivals in Cannes and Ibiza. Reezom was the company of choice to create a unique TV advertising campaign for Rouge FMs coverage of these prestigious events.


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